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Linda Kim
Acupuncture, herbal medicine, qigong

(510) 290-1014

3947 Opal Street
Oakland, CA 94607


Trauma Tincture for Acute Injury


An extraordinary topical tincture based on ancient martial arts formulas designed to treat acute injuries. Traditionally called “hit & fall wine,” each school of martial arts closely guarded their own secret recipe handed down through generations of masters. This effective tincture contains herbs that reduce pain and inflammation, and disperse accumulations of stagnant blood and fluids to restore normal circulation and accelerate healing. The medicinal herbs are extracted in alcohol to quickly penetrate the skin and easily access deeper tissues.

Indications: Reduces pain, bruising, or swelling due to inflammation from acute injuries including sprains, strains, muscle pulls, contusions, or fractures.


Ingredients: rhubarb root, gardenia fruit, safflower, phellodendron bark, myrrh, frankincense, daemonoropis palm resin, sweetgum fruit, angelica sinensis root,

ethyl alcohol


Directions: For topical use only. Gently massage onto affected area.

Reapply every 1-2 hours for best results.

Topical Tincture for Chronic Pain


Chronic pain often results from recalcitrant injuries or degenerative conditions that involve tendons and ligaments, which do not have an extensive direct supply of blood. This welcome tincture contains warming herbs that stimulate local circulation to expedite healing. The medicinal herbs are extracted in alcohol to quickly penetrate

the skin and easily access deeper tissues.

Indications: Reduces pain, stiffness, or numbness due to recurrent or slow-to-heal injuries, repetitive motion injuries, and chronic pain conditions, including arthritis.


Ingredients: peach kernel, rhubarb root, sweetgum fruit, pyrite, myrrh, frankincense, ephedra stem, aconite root, camphor, ethyl alcohol


Directions: For topical use only. Gently massage onto affected area.

Reapply every 1-2 hours for best results.

Herbal Ice Salve to Reduce Inflammation


An injury to the body causes a disruption in the flow of qi and blood at the site of injury. Local inflammation further stagnates qi and blood, resulting in pain and swelling. Ice can help reduce inflammation and pain, but at a cost. Ice contracts blood vessels and tissues, which impedes local circulation. The resulting congealed blood and fluids can greatly slow the healing process. This blockage can then disrupt the flow of qi and blood along the course of energy meridians and the circulatory system, causing pain and weakness in distant areas of the body. This Herbal Ice Salve is based on an herbal poultice formula used for centuries by martial arts masters to treat injuries.

The cooling medicinal herbs reduce inflammation while simultaneously improving circulation to disperse congealed blood and fluids.

Indications: Expedites healing from injuries, sprains, strains, contusions.


Ingredients: rhubarb root, skullcap root, phellodendron bark, dandelion leaf, gardenia fruit, safflower, myrrh, frankincense, daemonoropis resin, angelica sinensis root, sweetgum fruit, sweet almond oil, beeswax


Directions: For topical use. Apply to injured area. For best results, massage Trauma Tincture onto area, then immediately apply Herbal Ice Salve.

$12 ~ 1/2 oz,   $18 ~ 1 oz

Herbal Salve for Muscle & Joint Pain


This salve excels at soothing sore, stiff, and achy muscles and joints. The menthol and capsicum provide instant pain relief while the warming medicinal herbs stimulate local circulation to accelerate healing.

Indications: Alleviates pain, stiffness, or numbness due to recurrent or slow-to-heal injuries, repetitive motion, and chronic pain conditions including arthritis


Ingredients: menthol crystals, camphor, cayenne pepper, frankincense, myrrh, pyrite, aconite root, ephedra stem, peach kernel, rhubarb root, sweetgum fruit, lavender essential oil, almond oil, beeswax


Directions: For topical use. Massage onto painful area. Experience pain relief in 1-3 minutes. Reapply as necessary.

$12 ~ 1/2 oz,   $18 ~ 1 oz

Herbal Salve for Burns & Wounds


This salve is based on a formula written down in early 17th century China, called “Flesh Growth Promoting Red Jade Ointment.” Due to its remarkable efficacy, variations of this formula are still widely used today to treat burns and wounds. The cooling and antibacterial herbs control infection and reduce inflammation to alleviate pain and stop bleeding. The medicinal herbs promote the degeneration of dead tissue and the regeneration of healthy skin cells and blood vessels to accelerate healing.

Indications: Promotes fast healing of minor burns, cuts, scrapes, dry or cracked skin.


Ingredients: angelica sinensis root, groomwell root, angelica dahurica root, licorice root, daemonoropis resin, rhubarb root, phellodendron bark, calendula flower, sesame oil, beeswax


Directions: For topical use only. For cuts and scrapes, apply salve to affected area after cleaning. For minor burns, hold burned area under running cold water for 10-20 seconds, pat dry, and apply salve to affected area.

$12 ~ 1/2 oz,   $18 ~ 1 oz

Herbal Salve for Itchy Skin Conditions


Itching can be quite maddening, but scratching can be quite damaging! Scratching can break the skin, allowing toxins to penetrate and spread, and sometimes leaving scars. This healing salve stops the itch to prevent the scratch. The antimicrobial and cooling herbs eliminate toxins and reduce inflammation to stop itching. The medicinal ingredients accelerate the regeneration of healthy skin cells to promote fast healing.

Indications: Accelerates healing and eliminates itching from fungal/bacterial/viral infections (including athlete’s foot and shingles), insect bites, plant toxins (including poison ivy/oak), dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and allergic reactions.


Ingredients: cnidium fruit, broom cypress fruit, stemona root, rhubarb root, phellodendron bark, skullcap root, sophora root, indigo, gypsum, talc, borneol, calendula flower, lavender flower, almond oil, coconut oil, beeswax; essential oils of tea tree, eucalyptus, lavender


Directions: For topical use. Apply to affected areas and experience itch relief Effective in 1-3 minutes. Reapply as necessary.

$12 ~ 1/2 oz,   $18 ~ 1 oz

Herbal Salve Collection


Let’s imagine an eventful day… You go on a hike in the woods to forage mushrooms. You see some beauties under a tree and scramble up the little hill to get them. After you fill your basket, you notice that you had walked through poison oak to get to that tree. You take a different route back to the path, and step on a root which twists your ankle uncomfortably. You decide to head home. As you make your way back on the path, you notice the arthritis in your knee acting up because you are compensating for the ankle. At home, as you are sautéing the fresh mushrooms, you touch the hot pan and burn your hand. Yikes! What a day! The good news is that this day is imaginary. The other good news is that you have everything you need to treat all your ailments in your Herbal Salve Collection. The bonus good news is that you can buy wonderful mushrooms at the local market and sauté them right now.

Includes all four Herbal Salves for the price of three, in a gift box! This herbal home remedy kit to treat common injuries and ailments makes a great gift for yourself and your loved ones.

$36 ~ all four 1/2 oz salves

Herbal Cough Syrup


This herbal cough syrup is based on an ancient Chinese medicinal formula called "Stop Coughing Formula." In Chinese Medicine, coughing results when the normal mechanism of Lung Qi is disrupted, causing the Lung Qi to ascend. The medicinal herbs in this formula descend Lung Qi, dissolve Phlegm, and release exterior pathogens. Honey is an antiviral substance that soothes sore throat and tastes great for children and adults alike.

Indications: Reduces cough during a cold/flu, and one that lingers after other cold/flu symptoms have passed.


Ingredients: purple aster root, cynanchum root, stemona root, platycodon root, tangerine peel, schizonepeta, licorice, honey, brandy


Directions: Take 1 teaspoon ~ 1 tablespoon as needed. May be dissolved in warm water or tea to drink.

$15 ~ 4 oz

Herbal Nasal Oil


Sinus congestion is often caused by a local bacterial infection and inflammation. Runny nose is often the result of the body's attempts to protect overly dry mucous membranes. This soothing nasal oil contains antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, and sinus-opening herbs infused in sesame oil to lubricate dry mucous membranes and open the nasal passageways. 

Indications: Opens sinuses and reduces runny nose due to cold/flu, allergies, sinusitis.


Ingredients: black catechu, centipeda herb, borneol, sesame oil


Directions: For topical use. Place 1-2 drops oil onto fingertip and rub onto mucous membranes inside nostrils.

$12 ~ 5 mL

Cleansing Clay


A unique blend of French Green Clay, Matcha Green Tea, and six medicinal flowers, this clay draws out oils, toxins, and impurities from the skin. 

Indications: Use as a facial mask to deeply cleanse the pores, or use as a spot treatment for pimples, insect bites/stings, 


Ingredients: French green clay, calendula, chamomile, gardenia, jasmine, lavender, rose, matcha green tea


Directions: For topical use. Place 1/8 - 1/4 teaspoon of clay in the palm of your hand, and add enough water to mix into a paste. Apply a thin layer onto the face, avoiding the eyes and lips. Leave on for 10-15 minutes. Wash off with warm water. For spot treatments, use a smaller amount. 

$16 ~ 1 oz

Acne Powder


Chronic pain often results from recalcitrant injuries or degenerative conditions that involve tendons and ligaments, which do not have an extensive direct supply of blood. This welcome tincture contains warming herbs to stimulate local circulation to expedite healing. The medicinal herbs are extracted in alcohol to quickly penetrate the skin and easily access the deeper tissues.

Indications: Alleviates pain, stiffness, or numbness due to recurrent or slow-to-heal injuries, repetitive motion, and chronic pain conditions including arthritis


Ingredients: peach kernel, rhubarb root, sweetgum fruit, pyrite, myrrh, frankincense, ephedra stem, aconite root, camphor, ethyl alcohol


Directions: For topical use. Gently massage onto affected area. Reapply every 1-2 hours for best results.

$12 ~ 2 oz

Herbal Digestive Bitters


Chronic pain often results from recalcitrant injuries or degenerative conditions that involve tendons and ligaments, which do not have an extensive direct supply of blood. This welcome tincture contains warming herbs to stimulate local circulation to expedite healing. The medicinal herbs are extracted in alcohol to quickly penetrate

the skin and easily access the deeper tissues.

Indications: Alleviates pain, stiffness, or numbness due to recurrent or slow-to-heal injuries, repetitive motion, and chronic pain conditions including arthritis


Ingredients: peach kernel, rhubarb root, sweetgum fruit, pyrite, myrrh, frankincense, ephedra stem, aconite root, camphor, ethyl alcohol


Directions: For topical use. Gently massage onto affected area. Reapply every 1-2 hours for best results.

$12 ~ 2 oz

Warming Digestive Tea


Optimal digestion is of utmost importance to overall health. Proper digestion transforms the food and drink we consume into the metabolic processes of life. In Chinese Medicine, digestion is described as a pot simmering over a fire, in which food and drink are cooked and decomposed in a distillation process that separates the pure from the impure. The pure substances then generate matter and activate energy, and the impure is excreted. In other words, nutrients are absorbed, and toxins are eliminated. Essential to this process is the warmth from the fire. This unique herbal blend stokes the digestive fire to warm the belly pot and promote healthy digestion.

Indications: Strengthens digestive function for those who experience indigestion, gas, bloating, heartburn, nausea.


Ingredients: ginger root, cinnamon twig, licorice root, turmeric, fennel seed, toasted barley, date fruit, hawthorne berry, amomum fruit


Directions: Steep 1 bag in hot water in your teacup or teapot. Refill with hot water to enjoy 8~12 cups with each tea bag. Or simmer 1 bag and 8~12 cups water in a covered pot for 20 minutes, and reheat as needed to drink.

Box of 4 tea bags ~ $12

Boost Immuni~Tea


Three of the herbs included in this tea comprise an ancient Chinese formula to prevent cold and flu, called Jade Windscreen Formula. Two characters in the name denote a screen used to protect the inside of a room against wind. The character for jade was added because this formula was considered to be as valuable as jade. In Chinese Medicine, cold and flu result from an invasion of external wind pathogens. The Protective Qi circulates at the body surface and regulates the opening and closing of the pores to guard against wind invasion. This unique herbal blend strengthens immunity by building up the Protective Qi to fortify the exterior defense of the body.

Indications: Strengthens immune function for those who experience colds and flus once or more per year, or for whom colds and flus last longer than one week. This medicinal tea should be taken when well. Do NOT take during a cold or flu.


Ingredients: astragalus root, siler root, atractylodis root, licorice root, ginger root,

date fruit, reishi mushroom, chrysanthemum flower, turmeric, mustard seed


Directions: Steep 1 bag in hot water in your teacup or teapot. Refill with hot water to enjoy 8~12 cups with each tea bag. Or simmer 1 bag and 8~12 cups water in a covered pot for 20 minutes, and reheat as needed to drink.

Box of 4 tea bags ~ $12

Herbal Insect Repellant


Chronic pain often results from recalcitrant injuries or degenerative conditions that involve tendons and ligaments, which do not have an extensive direct supply of blood. This welcome tincture contains warming herbs to stimulate local circulation to expedite healing. The medicinal herbs are extracted in alcohol to quickly penetrate the skin and easily access the deeper tissues.

Indications: Alleviates pain, stiffness, or numbness due to recurrent or slow-to-heal injuries, repetitive motion, and chronic pain conditions including arthritis


Ingredients: peach kernel, rhubarb root, sweetgum fruit, pyrite, myrrh, frankincense, ephedra stem, aconite root, camphor, ethyl alcohol


Directions: For topical use. Gently massage onto affected area. Reapply every 1-2 hours for best results.

$12 ~ 2 oz

Herbal Wart Removing Oil


Chronic pain often results from recalcitrant injuries or degenerative conditions that involve tendons and ligaments, which do not have an extensive direct supply of blood. This welcome tincture contains warming herbs to stimulate local circulation to expedite healing. The medicinal herbs are extracted in alcohol to quickly penetrate the skin and easily access the deeper tissues.

Indications: Alleviates pain, stiffness, or numbness due to recurrent or slow-to-heal injuries, repetitive motion, and chronic pain conditions including arthritis


Ingredients: peach kernel, rhubarb root, sweetgum fruit, pyrite, myrrh, frankincense, ephedra stem, aconite root, camphor, ethyl alcohol


Directions: For topical use. Gently massage onto affected area. Reapply every 1-2 hours for best results.

$12 ~ 2 oz

​© 2013 by Linda Kim

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